Hinton Daily News from Hinton, West Virginia (2024)

3: i i "lintcn niTTr TT TTTT WOIDAHiTIs II Yea Went QcadTIio Daily 2 c- And leader Made- in Hinton 'A -P impTu itf Made. In Hinton by. J. Scanlon JlLiL Mi.iil in I ill AND LEADER i -te- q. HINTON WEST SATOKHAT BVBNUja JANUABY20 1910.

f. vou a NO, 07 UIHIpf AJfD JUSSI 0 AS, 43 3:580,000 10 BE Mill in is. MONROE COUNT! NEMS. fiHt, Union, Jan. 28.

Mr. Wm II. Evans Wont to Richmond last Friday and returned Monday, bringing to her hom*o near Sink Grove his sister. Mm. Chas.

A. Dunbar, who was operated on surgically In the Memorial Hospl-lal. The operation was Successful aud her friends aroglad that Mrs. Dunbar Is making a gooff recovery. i Tho friends of Mr.

W. W. MoCo m(ck, fonnery of Union, be in terestcif to know that he la now at DanviUo, Ky. Since leaving Monroe OlfOII.IIIE PUBLIC Some of Ihcm Are Even Imported From Asia and Other For rig Lands. i i I4 T4- i 7 fS pa- ji 1 Washington, Jan, 23.

That Rally rotten eggs are being palcwdicrtumy has. worked as an expert nff a a t.tTl'l off the American' i on Innocent public was tho sensational testimony -brought out yesterday by Represent-atlve Johnson, of Kentucky, ut the meeting of the special committee which is Investigating the excessively high prices charged for the necessaries of Ilf in4 the District of Co lumbia. The investigation took a wld range and Representative Den John-sob, by adroit cross-examination, developed the truth as to how partially putrid' eggs are sold to a gullible public. Tho testimony of Dr. Harveyu Wl ley, government chemist, and other? 4 showed fhat when eggs are for a week or more at her home mlar Keenan.

Her frlends are relieved to learn That her condition yesterday Was somewhat improved Chas, B. Caperton, who was summoned to his hom*o near Union, by th fafal llluess of, his lamented motV er, Mrs. ilugh Caperton, returned las week to hom*o, Ga accompanied by bis brother, Nephew, 1 Geov O. Pollock, formerly of Cireen-brier, dangerously ill at kicAllen Texas, and his brother, Mr. W.

Bollock of Blueficld, went to him last Ira B. Early pf Fire Creek, his sis er. Miss Beulah, and Mr. Newton Vickcll of Sinks Grove, were visitors to Union yesterday. 1 Miss trained nurse, who has? been in the Caperton home lor rnveral months, left laaf Thursday, to turn io Charleston, -Mrs.

Jacob Ratliff Is seriously 111 at )ef 'home on th Knobs west of 7nionX At, Newton Vass, are sorry to learn 'I quite til at his hom near Holly-vobd. 1 ones that show a blackSpeck Which ia an indication tdt thev have started 4 to brHiatcli.ar broken in' glass jars and Jh conglomerated yellows are frozen; thesr frozen eggs are sold to restaurant and hotel keeper? and are set befor the guests in" the form of scrambled 'iegga There also' ia a wide market for them among bakers and they are Used in making cakes and. pastries. Mr, Johnson also brought out that eggs frozen in this way are Import; ed Into the United States clear from Asia and other foreign lands, so that the public only suffers from rotten eggs of domestic production, but from half-spoiled eggs from abroad. The4testlmony applied not only to all parts of the United States where eggs are sold through warehous' processes.

wt- 5 MM. I1-' I TtPHOlB SITUATION AT williamson xorrarupme. i repo i Huntington, W. from Will iamson indicate Unit there XI 4 Elsewhere in this paper appears notice of a meeting in which the var ions Churobea of the city to receive a report front the District Mee lag of the Laymen's Missionary Move went held In Huntington on Thurs day and Frlday.of this eek. to" Th Hnatington meeting surptiecd everybody those who comtood it much as the people of the city.

The hotels were crowded with men to the number of fOO or more; and the presence of a large number of men. whs easily discovered on the streets, carslA hotel, barber ahops, very where, people weiu asking ''Whut are all these men here for?" Some guessed that a. Slain Meeting was on others th Knights of Pythias or some other see ret fraternity wan holding a comen lion, When it was announced in ans werrto the question, They are here attending a Missionary Meeting' thei wer many incredulous looks, For tho men seen, were very man! fcstly the very cream of, buslnen men oil this section of the state, Their appearance was far above the average of th delegated bodies which usually, meet around, There warn a very serious mien and a very evident purpose to do things in th faces ut th tnn. to- to At the opening banquet Wednesday night, when between COQ and 609, men sat down to eat and to listen to inspiring addresses from men of t-b qaeuce, and at the dally meetings lu the Presbyterian fhlch was filled mealt was seen that th day of small things In the evangelization of th world has passed. For th men assembled In Hunting-ton, and in th 1 seventy odd centers of the United States at similar men who Inil nance the hug businesi enterprises of tho United States, aud soma cf them arc powerful and Influential factors inA international finances.

When these men have applied to till tanking of thf Gostmf to all Urn same business sagacity, and the same liberal financial policies with which they ar handling the commerce of world, it mav well be believed that the day Is, notr far distant when "all men shall know the Ird." 1 It Is gratifying to those have been engaged in religions work to realize that the day of small things the Church Is nasi -Just as this generation has attempted material, pro gress which was never deamed of so the Church is addressing hprself to dusks Which a decade ago would have twmd chtmardal, 1 FurtheK it behooves very tun whq is interested In 111 UhttfCh to keep In clone touch i with modern movements; for st th gait ih work is moving, it win take only a few years to make "a back number" out of any layman who allows himself to drift in religious affairs, SEVERE ORDEAL FOR THE SISTERS- Portsmouth, Ohio, Jan. feon sisters, whw created such a hl fn their character- sketch '-In- "A Knight for a Dav" company at the Grand Tuesday nlghf. -went through their parts wttli heavy, despite th fact that they anepared to be as happy as any actor who ever drev forth a curtain call, But they were sad, and almost heart-brokem for while they were sitting in the stage wings awaiting their call, a messenger bov handed them; a telegram, notifying them of the death of their sister, which occurred In Dertoit, Tuesday to No sooner had they read th than thefr turn came and there was no time for shedding tears They went before, the footlights and while, possibly performed their parts in ft mechanical manner, no one in the audience knew, it for they did aa dseem mtoto-pm-toor life their act than ever, Immediately after they had finished their, part, they gave complete! away, and became almost hysterical the strain telling very bUinly upon them, They Were given permission to attend the funeral of their sister and left Wednesday morning for Detroit. rwai EiniE 6BE Will Eliminate Heavy Grades an Wth Trestles and Gpen Big I Coal Field. Th Virginia Railway main line sootr to ho changed between the towpa fiu rverserr: ig Pnint Creek, a distance of about 10 and tho work of construction which It la sniff will begin In- the spring, will necessitate th expend! on oh the part of the Vrglnlan nt least million and a half dolllrs according to reports which a- authentic although the railroad offi clals have not-given out any statement regarding the prospective- change Hcaty Grade.

The grade on 4he Virginian taaln line between Surveyor and Sweeneys-burg is about th heaviest' on, the roac and it has ioug Imen known that tho company's engineers have been seeking an caster route through this eec tloa, Aid within th past few months A preliminary survey and location, has been completed Which will greatly re-luce the grades through this section fth Paint Creek country and also men up a territory controlled by the titoot Guggenheim interests, which ts rich In coal. present line of the Virginian passes through the towns of Harper Station audEccIes ftudtothj mining towns that have sprung jp loco the completion of the road, and hese will be left far to the of ta new main line. 4 is probable that he present line will be left In opera tirin' with a passenger and freight service, Rebuild TrcsHea, Op the present section of the Vir tonian which it Is said will be abandoned, the grades are heavy and there ire numerous high trestles tjiaf the railroad's, engineering Department ir said to have listed to rebuilt? and ihls is ald to have had much to do with th decision of the Virginia offi-tals to build a -sec ton over vvhWi bcdvler and larger coal raid's can be landled at a smaller Operating x-mnse. This line will alsdf save the building' of several lines which would have been necessary tat-r on to. reach some of the Guggen-hclm properties.

The new line as located passes from Surveyor on the main line westward, toward thor moufli of Stevens then through the old Cyru Snuffer estate; Stevens branch lose i the old Lee Snuffer home; through tlio Rutroff tarn, where a png tunnel will necessary, through he II. II, Harper Canhan farm and IpckelhelmerVam, and- down Paint reek connecting With the present oaln lino at Sweeneyburg. to. The Virginian Railroad is one of the jest roads in the country with fewer teep grades than any other road cross the Alleghanles and the ellmN jotlon pf the high trestles, and grades ip Paint Creek, east) of Cirtsvllle, will in a great. Improvement.

1 It is aqld that the railroad company rill, receive blds for the new work -vitbin a few weeks, to1' A tllOCRAllG VIEW. Th Parkersburg4' Sentinel is re iKUisible forf these unkind remarks. Political auulyslsts, figuring on th latest Dawsonian argue Itat the ex-governor owes his support to Mn Hublard because the1 latter saved the 1 Dawsonian bacon in 1 1904 There is too doubt thatffu Hubbard's toflueuce did hold many Republican votes for Dawson he would not otherwise hav received, yet the work of Governor Whit In the same direction effective. Mkhtv few persons thought Dawson was sincere la hi tsx reform promises, btft they knew that White was sincere, and the latter did a much as Hubbard Jtt stemming the tide of fevolt against th perpetual offlaebolde. The Advisory Counsel for.

West Virginia, however, has never ben featured fo Damon Pythias 'qualities, and we mis our guess If he Maes not sCa something good ahead for W. O. D. In his position In the senatorial 1 fracas, Mrs. Everett, Lilly, who was called to Beard, on th acociint of the serious Illness of her, sister, Mrs.

Grant LfUr, returned Horn today, j'f iV I I Cleveland Detective Hast Aew Serve 5 Mne Henthi In Jail and Pay Ft6 Fine. Because ha toted a' pistol klong the shores of the Ohio river while ia We3t Mrglffii JohnxE, Cleveland Detectlv tonuTdeTVS 'sTR'Vffi toT'hTft? months in the Brooke count! Jail am pay a fine of $200. to lnc the Brooks county circuit court yesterday after, noon Judge Frank Nesbitt handed down a very important decision In this case, which was appealed from the Justice 10 hading 4 down hte decision Judge, Nesbitt held that the Johnson "pistol totlngV law wav constitutional and that a justice' or the peace had the rightHo Jry an! sentence a man on this charge, He also held that th indictment wav perfect This decision has settled very Important 1 1 question Regarding the -Johnson pistot toting" aw. Throughout West Virginia large number of cases have beim hppealed to 'test the law, claiming that it not constitutional when tried by Juilcw, to ('to WUd was Arrested several months ago 4and tried before Squire Wood of Follansbee, charged wPb carrying a pistot while In this statu ooklng for a prisoner, He was found guilty and given nine months In all and $200, Th case" wa appealed to the circuit court. When th case was beard id the circuit court Judge Nesbitt reserved his decision until' yesterday.

The Cleveland detective must now serve his Jail sentence unless it js appealed to a high-' er court, 'to THE RACQUET CLUB to HOLDS SOCIAL XEETIXG tf fc The Racquet Club held ato social meeting in Mias Ethel Hintons Studio tithe Big Four Building last night, whoh was a veiT en lovable affair. The rooms were artisttcly decorated for the occasion the Color scheme be-; ing pink and white and was carried out in everr particular. One of the features of the evening were the progressive games indulged in, There wre six tables and a different game at eadh table. Miss Pearl Templeton received a plrze for progressing th greatest number of times but the mort important feature of th evening was the elegant refreshments that were served, consisting of fruit "punch, neapolitan ice cream and Cake. Those present were: Misses MabellC Swats, Ethel Hinton, Eleanor and Mary Stuart Riffe, Elizabeth Menseh, Mary Humphries, Edith Mann and Pearl Templeton, Matto Graham, Lois Quesenberry, Maynm Noel, Messra Wm', Cook.

R. Woolf, If-G. Humphries, J. M. Gooch, Bernard Gooch; John Howard -Hlatoifi B.

Packett and DA Franklin, Dr. pence, Dr Motlev, Prof, JohiHefllu W. R. Barrington lEBOCTOtS ASAULT BY to NEGRO ON WHITE MAN. In th second week in January an whit man walking along the Piney Railroad was overtaken bv a colored man, The' whit man carried a suit case which the colored man Insisted upon carrying for him.

Th white man Very reluctantly gave It to the Importunate whp then carried the suit 'After walking together for ft short distance they came ft) big cut on the rfttlroad just above Wright iwhn the" pegro suddenly sprang upon hs fellow pedestrian, feftoehqd hint ur cut- his, and. stabbed hjm, and when nnconsclqur from his wounds, Gl negro broke open th suit and rifled it, taking the contents and made his escape. The wounded man1 was foubd and a doctor obtained In tint to ssv his life taking fifteen stitches inthe cut Inflicted nth manll threaten was then taken to the McKendree hospital. We have not been able to discover the mans name, 4 Theegro still at large, but is expected soon to be apprehended and Identified- The Raleigh Herald, 1 i Two Tnuncls Mill be Driven Between Kimball and Welch and Double -x Track, It i Learned, to itDIueficid TftegraphJ the Dally Telegraph staled recent tbejorfolk and Hin Icftr fttibmnr Of coiiWwvm'ibfnftry 1 1st for woik on' urn iDcahoniaa and Srtotn divisions, Fallowing this stale-meat, it is now learned, that tha work on this dhision alou.i win Amount to or 3, 500, non whim th wotk on the Rcfma division reach 11,390,999. tunnels V-(wcen Kimball and Welch wilt bi built In addition to straightening the track at several puinte.

Double track will bo laid between West Virion or Kimball and Huger, white double track tunnel will be built in Kimball which wilt cub frotn where th id station was located ruui paw (broiwh the hill at that point, This tunnri will posse very cloaclv nmtermmth the cemetery, At Big Four, tnother- lutt ncl will he Th'iNpry Fork tunnel, which will bn J.tcm feri, Ions, wilt also constructed. Hits wilt bo ingle track tuncl, and ft is lcanrit that thorn has been about Ou't appropriated for work off the Dry iorit cut off which wilt 9vcnliiah 'oimmd with the Clinch Valley idiiL SlOB, 5 rt At Kimball tho company Will extend is yards west, putting in several tracks which sro known a classification trucks. Near Wyoming Jh-cuniptm)- will build double track from Wyoming to mile post 13.1 and from mil post l. t-2 to it? A mtmbr of sharp curves will be cut out nni if the original jdan i fallowed tunnels wll Ibo const! ueted at Panther, Mounts. Uurve anfi In ionue.

The tnu-nela art to be and 1,599 feet rca pec ilvclr. The iKimbaH iun-iiel, outside of approaches, wilt lu ftliout 90 feet in length white the Big Four tunnel without the 111 be about 6u9 fecit in length, Twenty-one contract "have fu hiring on the wmrk and most oftbeM ere In this city ydcrdy ntoiciun end last night, Tiicy arrived, nt v'- ou times from 'the field an drill" bun for Rosiioke whfero tlnv Wilt submit their bids 011 th flrrt of ftiru.iry en the conttftta will bi rt oito'tirnc4 down arcordlu; to tint id whhh will bn mu-hed wblch ts to be don will of the ftlcst important; to th bifoih 'and Western, as it will straighten out many phiecs to the which are In first class condition but bich how tost the company great deal of money on account tlm ti vest hlch hr a continual wtr on quippmnt and which tcunle b-B utter io imriuiaiu. The moat noth bte, of all the improvement which have been mad no to date on the rout tee those pear Itoderffctd, ote-fh pre sent fitaiibn Uteren; at Wrich, wfiei ft tunnel allows ih road to sac 4 tong haul on a continual curve, and letwecn, Haltevillc find ItemphlB, here two tunnels cut off quite a tit* taiit'p. There ftre a number of otb i tilactw which wert geratlv ami mater- telly Improved br the six tnnndte which 1 were built In 19? an dtlnir effect dthe earning1 of the road batmen apparent, inasmuch as th primarily sayml mileage and then tfm ordinary wear wbbh every one Connected. wlltp ft iailrpnd knows te con Unual on ft road cut up with cum-! When toft ortenal tdans of the company arete coniptetn tfia Norfidk end Western will be perhaps th be't coat' carrying road In the country.

AH cf tho 'proposed 1 work lu addition to ftote TiTit ii 1 rth rr I'rtSPTIj 1 made without: and great additional outlays and in face of an iVi-mhc! dividend, 'CHURCH NOTICE. There1 will be services tomorrow (Sunday), at 11 ft and jSO i 1 Up Episcopal Church. Mrt Martin Mftnch will plav a violin solo and Mte-Mary McGill will sing a solo, at the (tea. etenloff noritee AVEilHFR RUOltr. 1.

in U4 weather, wnh pimw tmurdu Fnmtejv- v--- i telegrapher I In -maay distant States, but is now imed more drawing nick West Virginia. I la th year ,1909, 123 marrlag ll censes were ssued from Monroe County Clerk's Office, as, against 81 la 1908. in th same office during 1909 there wet recorded 9 wills am! 383 deeds of tbargaln and ale. A. Lowry returned last week to Union after spending a vacation of thro weeks with his family at Tal colt, and ir again busy in Monroe county supplying the customers yio Singer Sewing Machine Co.

Mrs. Wm. O. Johnson has been so rfouBly ill of a "complication of all- (Ht FE MIRIER COUXTir JEWS. 1 Lcwisburg, Jan, 28.

C. P. nd wife' returned Jast week to jhar tome in Irish Corner district after bsence of about four months daring tolch they 1 visited their sonhWv Irwin, In Iowa and 13. F. and R.

irwln, In Missouri, an Mrs, Erlwn's rotlirr. J. Varudave.rn, In the aue State." greatly, enjoyed heir visit to' th West and returned i Imnroved health Mr. Ernest L. Vance and Miss Abbt' ato, of Durbin, ,1 Pocahontas Were married, at Sebtt's Hotel wisburg, on.

Wednesday aimary 9th, 1910. Uev. D. M. Brown, of the South: .91 iatlng.

Robyrt Hunt anff Bhawver aiv Batching tho Virus from Mcadoa luff to lrfiwislintir 0- th-5latlv iufOfutmilTehmhon4 Co. Th ompany has its pole up from Mean BlUff to, Alderson. The Court is considering the pr -riety of seiling th county farm ir YlUiamsburg district and buying on-loarer the railroad tond the center of opnlatlon, to R. Cary Montagu Is now In full barge of th School for Deaf, Duml nd Blind at and Prof. Ja-.

Rucker and family have returned 0 their hom*o here. Tho Court employed Ww, T. Leg? Its agent to take care of the poor 4 the County Infirmary-and tv rnn he firm, the sum to be paid said tag being $500. ICenna McClung was called home to tongmont, last weelq bv a telet 'THTrmlhZl'fm that hSimr tonvhtor had pneumonia. to Dr.

11. McClung was In Charles 'on recently endeavoring torinterwif -snltalrtts In the proposed oil id VelOpmeht In this county 0 SERVICES AT Jl CEXTRIL CHURCH. I'liere will be no services at th "entral Baptist Church Sunday (Ja- 30) on aconnOof reiialrs trf the church te-ioU made. 7 LMra Garu-ttnon, and daugli- te Mis Mary, left yesterday for Hnsorrt," to 'visit relatives, fj, has been" no' improvement in'tlie' t)' i phoid situation and the number of reported at fifty on Momlaj A well known Huntington maiv-wlu is in ths week, write to friends here that tho, situation truly alarming, but that the ties and people generally are tnaklnf almost heroic efforts ttf stay the pro gross of tlie malady. It is understood that many of tie nurses are leaving the city, afraid catching -the disease.

Tbe river Is stfll In bad shape, an, the city officials ai at a loss to knov what to do to cope with the situation Th doctors have issued Instruction' to the people to boil' water befor min R. -4 N'V' It seems the only, relief the Jteopl of that city cam get! from drinkm the Vollutod water la to have tyei lriiied, Thr-private wells' incite cit are being frequently used by the cit cns. Many requests have betni- mad the railroad men Of that town i the officials of the W. to be moVed to other headquarters. 4 city controls the water -work and Only charges five cents' per thmi rand gallons it ia stated.

Many popl, have signified their Opay more for water If it could purified. Is thought likely the clS officials will, take further steps 'v ward filtering the water.1 if' 'z I4. D. Bailey, head of the Wllllamsc Coal Comrapany has well on property that has a capacity of 40,00 gallons day and had' arrange wit' C. LUX shrdlu UXL shrdldlnalla C.

Mo-es, of Welch, to drill tw-rnore wells, fjr. Bailey thinks he ca reTwitor si W-M-H- employ ftbbUt 109 men at his min' and not one of them hm been at tacked bv the disease. i i AT THE M. C. A.

Mr. E. Goodw-lm of Clifton Jtorge will address tha, men meetlhf the Y. C. A.

Sunday at 3 ra.Tft subject of his address will be th' "Question of the Hour All men ar cordially Invited to ntBud this meef- jem Jl FAYETTE COUPLE MED. 1 lUchatoson. and Mlss'Chrv- stena Williams, both very popular school teachers of Fayette county, were married at tlx Court-House thl:) Mrs.) Jennie Detamole, pf Belle at 19 yclock. Rev. jtolnt, left oil No, today, foi.

a ahort, Northeu of the Fltst Baptist Church Halt filth rjlailve At Lynchburg. Lffidkteff I IMII. 111,111 fWy er 1 -Miss1 Bessie Knaop, of Richmond wll larrlve on No- 3tommrov' moHiinn to of her audl to -tv-.

Hinton Daily News from Hinton, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.