[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (2024)

The Revenant is a profession that was introduced with the Heart of Thorns expansion pack. They channel legends and use their powers flexibly depending on the situation. Even if they do not use their elite specializations, they can use powerful builds that others may not use. Let's take a look at some of them right now.

5. Core Power Revenant - Structured PvP

[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (1)The Core Power Revenant bashes its way through its foes and proves it can hang with the big boys of sPvP.

Core Revenant may not be as versatile as its elite specialization counterparts, but it is still a combat powerhouse. Those who master the Revenant's mechanic of maintaining their energy upkeep can perform their abilities and inflict a world of harm on their opponents using its core legends and abilities.

Why Core Power Revenant is great

  • The Core Power Revenant has a lot of burst damage potential and can easily take down players who underestimate the core Revenant.
  • They can use the Legendary Assassin Shiro's elite skill, Jade Winds, to unleash powerful crowd control.
  • Just because the build's name is Core Power Revenant doesn't mean it can't provide some utility or is limited to being an offensive build. It can switch between being an attacker and a defender.

Choose this build if...

  • You want a core build that focuses on bursting enemies down and quickly eliminating threats.
  • You aren’t afraid to go toe-to-toe against other possibly stronger foes but are confident with your abilities.
  • You can make use of your Legendary Assassin skills to traverse the map quickly.

Full build details

Traits and Major Perks

  • Devastation - Battle Scarred, Notoriety, Dance of Death
  • Retribution - Dome of the Mists, Dwarven Battle Training, Versed in Stone / Steadfast Rejuvenation
  • Invocation - Cleansing Channel, Rapid Flow, Call of the Assassin


  • PvP Amulet with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity) OR Demolisher stats (power + precision + toughness + critical damage)
  • Superior Runes of the Dolyak (increases toughness, vitality, and grants health regeneration)
  • Main-hand dual swords with Sigils of Exploitation (increases damage against foes with less than 50% health) and Exposure (after swapping from staff, your next attacks inflict Vulnerability debuff stacks).
  • Swap to two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Purging (cleanse conditions when you strike an enemy) and Escape (after swapping from dual swords, cleanse movement-impairing debuffs)


  • Not applicable in PvP

Utility Skills

  • Revenants are unique since they channel Legends with their F1 skills. Depending on the legendary stance, they equip unique utility skills from healing to elites.
  • Legendary Assassin Stance - high-mobility, offensive and elusive stance that has access to the Impossible Odds utility skill for superfast attacks and the powerful Jade Winds crowd control skill on the elite skill slot.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance - condition cleanse on heal, high-defensive skills including Forced Engagement to taunt enemies while taking reduced damage, and the elite skill, Rite of the Great Dwarf as a powerful stun break.

For more details, check this link: Metabattle.com

4. Core Revenant Version 1 - Open World PvE

[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (2)A build that new players can use to hone their skills is always a great foundation for future Revenant-mains.

As with any new profession, most players will want to experiment and explore. As they level up, new Revenant players will learn their core mechanics, and once they reach level 80, they will want to challenge themselves. This is where this build comes in to help new Revenant players.

Why Core Power Revenant is great

  • It is a great starting build for players that enjoy hacking and slashing through the open-world content.
  • It can teach players the game’s core mechanics and some important skills such as dodging, the use of crowd control on break bars, the use of various buffs and debuffs, etc.
  • The Core Power Revenant build can inflict a respectable amount of damage thanks to its high-burst capabilities which is always decent to have.

Choose this build if...

  • You are looking for a good beginner-friendly build that any new Revenant player can use.
  • You are looking to learn the mechanics as you play the game.
  • You want a great starter build that can eventually branch out into more powerful builds down the line when you unlock the elite specializations.

Full build details

Traits and Major Perks

  • Retribution - Close Quarters, Eye for an Eye, Versed in Stone
  • Invocation - Rising Tide, Incensed Response, Roiling Mists
  • Devastation - Battle Scarred, Thrill of Combat, Dance of Death


  • Armor and trinkets with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
  • Superior Runes of Strength (increases power, might duration, and outgoing damage while under the effects of Might buffs)
  • Main-hand Berserker stat dual swords with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Accuracy (increases critical hit chance).
  • Swap to a Berserker stat two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Force and Accuracy.


  • As this is considered a newbie leveling build, it will not focus on using consumables.

Utility Skills

  • Revenants are unique since they channel Legends with their F1 skills. Depending on the legendary stance, they equip unique utility skills from healing to elites.
  • Legendary Assassin Stance - high-mobility, offensive, and elusive stance that has access to the Impossible Odds utility skill for superfast attacks and the powerful Jade Winds crowd control skill on the elite skill slot.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance - condition cleanse on heal, high-defensive skills including Forced Engagement to taunt enemies while taking reduced damage, and the elite skill, Rite of the Great Dwarf as a powerful stun break.

For more details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg

3. Core Revenant Version 2 - Open World PvE

[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (3)When you are confident enough to pursue your first elite specialization, feel free to use this build and secure those hero points, or keep playing as a core Revenant that can still kick tons of butt.

You can use this version when you are more experienced with the profession by tweaking the previous build. Consider this version of the Core Revenant build to be the entry point to the elite specializations as well as a test of your mastery. It also can be considered the build you to know if you are ready for more mechanics.

Why Core Power Revenant is great

  • It is very similar to the earlier build and only needs to switch some traits, runes, and sigils around.
  • It emphasizes dealing more damage and quickly bursting damage onto enemies.
  • It is a respectable gateway to the elite specializations when unlocking them.

Choose this build if...

  • You are preparing for unlocking the elite specializations in the expansion maps.
  • You want to have an easy starter build that can help you learn the mechanics of core Revenant.
  • You want a strong build that can make quick work of any mobs that get in your way in the open world.

Full build details

Traits and Major Perks

  • Retribution - Close Quarters, Eye for an Eye, Versed in Stone
  • Invocation - Rising Tide, Incensed Response, Roiling Mists
  • Devastation - Battle Scarred, Thrill of Combat, Dance of Death


  • Armor and trinkets with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
  • Superior Runes of the Scholar (increases power, ferocity, and outgoing strike damage while you are above 90% health)
  • Main-hand Berserker stat dual swords with Superior Sigils of Force (increases outgoing damage) and Air (whenever you land a critical hit, you randomly land a lightning strike).
  • Swap to a Berserker stat two-handed staff for defense and crowd control or two-handed hammer for range with Superior Sigils of Force and Air.


  • Food - Peppermint Omnomberry Bar (increases Magic Find, Gold dropped from defeated enemies, Karma, and experience gained)
  • Utility - Sharpening Skull - (when reviving an ally, you and your ally have your stats increased while also gaining increased experience from killing foes and Magic Find)

Utility Skills

  • Revenants are unique since they channel Legends with their F1 skills. Depending on the legendary stance, they equip unique utility skills from healing to elites.
  • Legendary Assassin Stance - high-mobility, offensive and elusive stance that has access to the Impossible Odds utility skill for superfast attacks and the powerful Jade Winds crowd control skill on the elite skill slot.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance - condition cleanse on heal, high-defensive skills including Forced Engagement to taunt enemies while taking reduced damage, and the elite skill, Rite of the Great Dwarf as a powerful stun break.

For more details, check this link: Metabattle.com

2. Spudzie’s Core Revenant - World versus World

[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (4)Core Revenant proves it can carry itself well in World versus World and does it spectacularly well against one-on-one fights. If it can handle itself well in PvP, it is plausable it can do so in WvW too.

Spudzie, a fantastic Guild Wars 2 YouTube content creator, has brought us a viable and powerful Core Revenant build. While the Core Revenant lacks the power and utility of its elite specializations to truly be viable, the build emphasizes its strong points: mobility and burst damage. It can easily defeat those who underestimate it in combat.

Why Core Power Revenant is great

  • The Core Revenant's power shines brightly in one-on-one combat. You can live another day in WvW by picking your battles and knowing when to flee.
  • Core Power Revenants can easily burst down unprepared enemies who aren't expecting it or are caught off guard.
  • It makes an excellent WvW zergling due to the amount of damage it can deal while keeping up with the group.

Choose this build if...

  • You want to participate in the game mode but haven’t unlocked your elite specializations yet.
  • You have a WvW group and are looking to farm currency to trade Notarized Heroic items for hero points needed for your elite specializations.
  • You want to prove how strong core classes can be despite not unlocking their elite specializations.

Full build details

Traits and Major Perks

  • Retribution - Planar Protection, Dwarven Battle Training, Steadfast Rejuvenation
  • Invocation - Cleansing Channel, Rapid Flow, Charged Mists
  • Devastation - Battle Scarred, Notoriety, Brutality


  • Armor with Marauder stats (power + precision + ferocity + vitality)
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
  • Superior Runes of Speed (increases vitality, Swiftness buff duration, and increases movement speed while under the effects of Swiftness)
  • Main-hand Marauder stat sword and off-hand axe with Superior Sigils of Air (whenever you land a critical hit, you randomly land a lightning strike) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
  • Swap to a Marauder stat two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Energy and Cleansing (after swapping from sword and axe during combat, cleanse 3 conditions from yourself).


  • Food - Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew (gain might whenever you dodge, increases Endurance generation)
  • Utility - Superior Sharpening Stone (increases power based on your precision and ferocity)

Utility Skills

  • Revenants are unique since they channel Legends with their F1 skills. Depending on the legendary stance, they equip unique utility skills from healing to elites.
  • Legendary Assassin Stance - high-mobility, offensive and elusive stance that has access to the powerful Jade Winds crowd control skill on the elite skill slot.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance - condition cleanse on heal, high-defensive skills including Rite of the Great Dwarf as a powerful stun break and damage mitigation.

For more details, check out these links: Spudzie’s YouTube video, GW2 Skills.net

1. Core Support Revenant - PvP

[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (5)Core Revenants prove they aren't restricted to simply offense. They can also provide support when needed.

While the Core Revenant has proven to be a viable PvP option, it can also be a surprising option as a supportive role. This is where the other aspect of Revenants enters the picture. The Core Support Revenant build was created by swapping the Legendary Assassin stance for the Legendary Centaur and assigning the appropriate traits and perks.

Why Core Power Revenant is great

  • It sacrifices power for the ability to provide better healing and support which is welcomed when the team already has enough damage dealers in the group.
  • Revenant players that are used to using the Ventari Tablet can easily provide protection when it is needed the most.
  • When you want to help defend nodes with your teammates and potentially save them from flanking ranged attacks, the Legendary Dwarf skills come into play. The Legendary Centaur's reflect abilities can also provide a lot of defense against ranged attackers.

Choose this build if...

  • You already have enough DPS units for the team and it needs more support.
  • You are willing to try a purely core Revenant build and aren’t afraid of a good challenge.
  • You can switch to being a bunker role and defend nodes until your teammates arrive to help you out.

Full build details

Traits and Major Perks

  • Salvation - Eluding Nullification, Resilient Spirit, Invigorating Dismissal
  • Retribution - Spiritual Reckoning, Eye for an Eye, Versed in Stone
  • Invocation - Glaring Resolve, Rapid Flow, Song of the Mists


  • PvP Amulet with Berserker stats (power + precision + ferocity)
  • Superior Runes of Strength (increases power, might duration, and outgoing damage while under the effects of Might buffs)
  • Main-hand two-handed hammer with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (after swapping from staff, gain some Endurance).
  • Swap to a two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference and Energy.


  • Not applicable in PvP.

Utility Skills

  • Revenants are unique since they channel Legends with their F1 skills. Depending on the legendary stance, they equip unique utility skills from healing to elites.
  • Legendary Assassin Stance - high-mobility, offensive and elusive stance that has access to the Impossible Odds utility skill for superfast attacks and the powerful Jade Winds crowd control skill on the elite skill slot.
  • Legendary Dwarf Stance - condition cleanse on heal, high-defensive skills including Forced Engagement to taunt enemies while taking reduced damage, and the elite skill, Rite of the Great Dwarf as a powerful stun break.

For more details, check this link: Metabattle.com

Closing Thoughts

Revenants are great core professions despite being a starter class with elite specializations that overshadow it. Those who can master Revenants with enough patience, practice, and knowledge can eventually become the best Heralds, Renegades, and Vindicators with a solid foundation. You learn your main mechanics and the tools you'll need to survive in other game modes and endgames by mastering the core professions, not as a required stepping stone. Are there any other strong Revenant builds that you know of that we haven't covered? Please let us know so that we can incorporate your ideas into a future article.

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[Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Revenant Builds For PvP and PvE (2024)


What is revenant good for gw2? ›

Heavily armored and equipped with the otherworldly powers of the Mists, revenants channel Tyria's legends to slaughter foes, unleash chaos on the battlefield, and support their allies. Revenant is a profession able to channel the power of the Mists through Legends, their profession mechanic.

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Available Weapons
  • Mace (Main-Hand)
  • Axe (Off-Hand)
  • Sword (Main and Off-Hand)
  • Hammer.
  • Staff.
  • Shield (Elite)

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In Guild Wars 2 PvE game play follows a story which leads the character through the world, replacing the campaign and mission system from the original Guild Wars.

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In Open World and casual PvE, Rangers are among the easiest classes for soloing because of their good sustain and their pet mechanics. Rangers have more control over their pets than other minion classes, making the pet uniquely capable of drawing aggro and allowing the ranger to deal damage safely from a distance.

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Apex Legends Revenant Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Revenant
  1. Sneaky Beaky Like. Revenant's Stalker passive is actually a sneakily strong yet underutilized tool. ...
  2. Climb Till You Can't Climb No More. ...
  3. Hiding in “Silence” ...
  4. Proper Totem Placement. ...
  5. Silenced and Blocked. ...
  6. Burning Yourself Alive.
May 17, 2023

What is revenant weak to? ›

Since Revenants are weak against slash damage (and not particularly strong against other forms of physical damage), it's certainly possible to defeat them with a one-handed melee weapon and shield.

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Revenant has always been the strongest climber in the game, capable of scaling entire buildings on World's Edge. But his buffed passive ability means he can now climb horizontally.

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Item (most effective → least effective)
Webweaver bow / Craw's bowToxic blowpipe
None if using Webweaver/Craw's bow, toxic blowpipe, or magic shortbow (i)Book of law
Rada's blessing 4 if using Webweaver/Craw's bow or toxic blowpipeMoonlight antler bolts/ Sunlight antler bolts/
Bracelet of ethereumN/A
7 more rows
Aug 3, 2024

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Short answer: No.

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While it's true that gear doesn't matter in PvP, you do need to fill a couple of slots otherwise you'll get an armor penalty.

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There are 3 levels, each with different requirements and rewards. Win 1 PvP Match. Time limit: 30 minutes. Recommended: 3 players.

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Guild Wars 2: The Highest DPS Classes, Ranked
  • 8 Warrior.
  • 7 Mesmer.
  • 6 Necromancer.
  • 5 Guardian.
  • 4 Elementalist.
  • 3 Revenant.
  • 2 Ranger.
  • 1 Thief.
Jan 21, 2023

What is the easiest PvP title in Guild Wars? ›

5 points — 5 Prestige armor sets (one must be Elite Luxon or Elite Kurzick) (Head gear not required.) 3 points — 1 PvP Title: Zaishen Supporter title (200 Zaishen Keys for rank 3) is the easiest and quickest PvP title.

What is the easiest solo build in GW2? ›

We recommend taking a look into the Condition Specter or Power Rifle Deadeye builds for your open-world Thief. Either of these builds works great in solo content and can provide decent damage and survivability.

Is revenant a good robot? ›

The Revenant is an excellent initiator of fights, designed to ambush enemies, destroy them in one salvo and repair itself afterwards.

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Much like Octane, Wraith provides great utility to Revenant in terms of closing in on enemy teams. While Wraith's Tactical ability, unlike Revenant's, is not a means to engage with, the pair make up a frightfully aggressive duo when they combine their ultimate abilities together.

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1 Jacaranda

Most players consistently agree that a good Jacaranda is a must for any play style. It is one of the few pets that actually continues to be effective almost regardless of the build you've gone for with your character. If you find yourself struggling to survive, the Jacaranda will always have your back.

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