Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (2024)


  • 1 Mastercode
    • 1.1 About the Mastercode
    • 1.2 Enabling and Setting the Mastercode
    • 1.3 Adding User Codes with the Mastercode Enabled
    • 1.4 Deleting a Single User Code with the Mastercode Enabled
    • 1.5 Deleting All User Codes with the Mastercode Enabled
    • 1.6 Disabling and Deleting the Mastercode
  • 2 Troubleshooting: Installation
    • 2.1 The interior mounting screws are difficult to tighten.
    • 2.2 The interior and exterior assembly won't mount parallel to the door edge.
    • 2.3 The interior assembly does not fit on the mounting plate.
  • 3 Troubleshooting: Door Jamming and Door Handing
    • 3.1 The lock jams and the turnpiece does not rotate smoothly.
    • 3.2 The lock beeps, the keypad flashes red, and the door cannot lock.
    • 3.3 The Status LED is solid red after the door handing process.
    • 3.4 The deadbolt latch does not extend or retract on its own during the door handing process.
  • 4 Troubleshooting: Keypad
    • 4.1 The keypad is unresponsive.
    • 4.2 The Lock button does not lock the door.
  • 5 Troubleshooting: Battery
    • 5.1 The batteries drain within one day.
    • 5.2 The batteries drain within one week.
  • 6 Battery FAQ
  • 7 Videos
    • 7.1 SmartCode 913 - Installation Video
    • 7.2 Kwikset SmartCode 913-914: Programming Video With a Mastercode
  • 8 Documents / Resources
    • 8.1 References
    • 8.2 Download manual

Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide

Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (1)


About the Mastercode

Using a Mastercode is an optional, added-security measure. It is not enabled by default. A Mastercode is used to add and delete user codes, but it cannot unlock the door (unless the same code is programmed as a user code, though this is not recommended). The Mastercode must be 4-8 digits.

Enabling and Setting the Mastercode

Programming timeout: If no button is pressed for five seconds, the system will time out (indicated by three beeps and a red flashing keypad), and you will need to restart the procedure.

  1. Keep door open. Press and HOLD the Program button until the keypad flashes green (about 5 seconds).
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (2)
  2. Enter new Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (3)
  3. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (4)
  4. Re-enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (5)
  5. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (6)
    If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.
    If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will fl ash red three times with three beeps. Make sure the Mastercode has not already been programmed. Attempt the procedure again, making sure to enter the same new Mastercode in step 2 and 4.
  6. Make sure switch #3 is on, and press the Program button once. If you hear three beeps and see the keypad flash green, the Mastercode is enabled.
    Note: The lock will time out after five seconds.

Adding User Codes with the Mastercode Enabled

The procedure for adding user codes is different when the Mastercode is enabled. For instuctions on how to add user codes when the Mastercode is disabled, see the Installation and User Guide that came with your lock.

  1. Keep door open. Press the Program button once. The keypad will flash green and you will hear three beeps.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (7)
  2. Enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (8)
  3. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (9)
  4. Enter new user code.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (10)
  5. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (11)
    If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.
    If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will fl ash red three times with three beeps. Make sure the user code is not a duplicate and that it is between 4 and 8 digits during your next attempt. Make sure the lock has room for an additional code. If all user codes are filled, delete a code to make room for this one. Make sure to enter a valid Mastercode in step 2.
  6. While the door is open and locked, test the user code to make sure it unlocks the door.

Deleting a Single User Code with the Mastercode Enabled

  1. Keep door open. Press the Program button once. The keypad will flash green and you will hear three beeps.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (12)
  2. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (13)
  3. Enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (14)
  4. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (15)
  5. Enter user code to be deleted.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (16)
  6. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (17)
  7. Re-enter user code to be deleted.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (18)
  8. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (19)
    If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.
    If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will fl ash red three times with three beeps. Make sure to enter the same valid code in steps 5 and 7. Make sure to enter a valid Mastercode in step 3.
  9. While the door is open and locked, test the user code to make sure it no longer unlocks the door.

Deleting All User Codes with the Mastercode Enabled

  1. Keep door open. Press the Program button once. The keypad will flash green and you will hear three beeps.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (20)
  2. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (21)
  3. Enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (22)
  4. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (23)
  5. Press "9" six times.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (24)
  6. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (25)
  7. Press "9" six times.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (26)
  8. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (27)
    If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.
    If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will fl ash red three times with three beeps. Make sure to enter a valid Mastercode in step 3 during your next attempt.
  9. Press the Lock button while the door is open and unlocked. If the latch bolt does not extend to lock, then all codes have been successfully deleted.

Disabling and Deleting the Mastercode

  1. Keep door open. Press and HOLD the Program button until the keypad fl ashes green (about 5 seconds).
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (28)
  2. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (29)
  3. Enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (30)
  4. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (31)
  5. Re-enter Mastercode.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (32)
  6. Press Lock button once.
    Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (33)
    If programming is successful, the keypad will flash green once with one beep.
    If programming is unsuccessful, the keypad will fl ash red three times with three beeps. Make sure the Mastercode has been enabled before trying to disable it. Attempt this procedure again, making sure to enter the same Mastercode in steps 3 and 5.
  7. Make sure switch #3 is on, and then press the Program button once. If you don't immediately hear three beeps and see the keypad fl ash green, the Mastercode is disabled.
    Note: The lock will time out after five seconds.

Troubleshooting: Installation

The interior mounting screws are difficult to tighten.

The interior and exterior assembly won't mount parallel to the door edge.

The interior assembly does not fit on the mounting plate.

If you encounter any of the problems above, the deadbolt latch may be installed upside down. Remove the interior assembly, mounting plate, and exterior assembly from the door, and look at the latch inside the door hole.

If the word "UP" is upside down and at the bottom of the latch, the latch is installed incorrectly.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (34)

Reinstall the latch, making sure the word "UP" faces upward.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (35)

Troubleshooting: Door Jamming and Door Handing

The lock jams and the turnpiece does not rotate smoothly.

The lock beeps, the keypad flashes red, and the door cannot lock.

The door handing process was not executed during installation.

Perform the door handing process in the Installation Guide.

The hole in the door is misaligned.

Disassemble the lock, and reinstall it without the adapter ring on the exterior side of the door.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (36)

The wrong deadbolt latch is installed.

SmartCode deadbolts require a tapered latch bolt for ease of operation. If the latch being used is from an older lock, it will likely not have a tapered latch bolt. Remove the lock from the door, including the old latch. Replace with the new tapered latch that came with the lock and reinstall the lock.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (37)

The deadbolt latch and strike are misaligned, causing the latch to bind.

Adjust the tab of the lower strike (for your knob or lever) to help align the upper latch and strike so that the latch bolt enters the strike when the door is locked.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (38)

The lower latch and lower strike (for your knob or lever) are misaligned, putting too much load on the deadbolt latch.

As a test, rotate the turnpiece on the deadbolt so the latch is retracted (unlocked), and close the door. If you have to push, pull or lift the door to get it to close, adjust the position of the lower strike.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (39)

The hole in the door frame for the latch bolt is not drilled deep enough.

Make sure the hole in the door frame is drilled at least 1" (25 mm) deep.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (40)

The mounting plate is placing tension on the torque blade.

Attempt to lock and unlock the door with the key. If it is unable to rotate, remove the interior assembly from the mounting plate. Test the key again. If it is still unable to rotate, loosen the screws on the mounting plate and reposition the plate so there is no tension on the cylinder torque blade. Make sure the latch bolt can operate smoothly with the key and reinstall the interior assembly.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (41)

The clutch is disengaged.

Remove the battery pack. Remove the interior assembly from the door. Verify that the lock can be operated smoothly with the key while the interior is removed. Attempt to rotate the turnpiece on the interior assembly to the vertical position. If it cannot rotate to the vertical position, the clutch has become disengaged.

Place the battery cover onto the interior assembly, making sure to align the turnpiece with the shaft. Rotate the turnpiece 180° clockwise (you will need to use force when rotating the turnpiece, and you will hear it click). This will re-engage the clutch.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (42)

Align the turnpiece with the torque blade and reinstall the interior assembly on the door.

The Status LED is solid red after the door handing process.

Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (43)

The lock interior is not mounted perpendicular to the ground.

Remount lock interior assembly as illustrated in the Installation Guide.

The hole in the door is misaligned.

Disassemble the lock, and reinstall it without the adapter ring on the exterior side of the door.

The battery level is too low.

This is indicated by the keypad fl ashing red three times with three beeps. Use a fresh set of batteries, and perform the door handing process again.

The latch and strike are misaligned, causing the latch to bind.

If you have not already done so, perform the door handing process while the door is open. If it is successful only when the door is open, the latch and strike are not aligned as they should be. Ensure door preparation is in accordance with the door drilling instructions, available online.

The deadbolt latch does not extend or retract on its own during the door handing process.

The door handing process was not performed correctly.

Make sure to press and hold the Lock button until the battery pack is fully inserted into the interior assembly and the latch bolt starts to move on its own.

The mounting plate is placing tension on the torque blade.

See the answer in the "Troubleshooting: Door Jamming and Door Handing" section.

The latch and strike are misaligned, causing the latch to bind.

If you have not already done so, perform the door handing process while the door is open. If it is successful only when the door is open, the latch and strike are not aligned as they should be. Ensure door preparation is in accordance with the door drilling instructions, available online.

The keypad is unresponsive.

Make sure switch #3 is on. Use a fresh set of batteries and perform the door handing process. If the latch does not extend or retract, and the lock does not beep, press each individual key on the keypad (one at a time) and listen for beeping sound. If no beeping is heard, this is a keypad error. Contact Technical Support for further troubleshooting.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (44)

Troubleshooting: Keypad

The keypad is unresponsive.

Keypad error test

Install a fresh set of batteries and turn switch #3 to the ON position. Test each button on the keypad (one at a time) and listen for a beep on each button press. If beeping is not heard on all buttons, contact Technical Support for further troubleshooting.
Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (45)

Keypad lockout

If three incorrect codes were entered within one minute, the keypad will lock for 60 seconds.

The Lock button does not lock the door.

No user codes are programmed.

If there are no codes in the lock, the lock button will not lock the door. Program at least one user code and test the Lock button again.

The door handing process was not executed.

Perform the door handing process, following the instructions inside the installation guide.

The battery is too low to lock the door.

This is indicated by the keypad flashing red three times with three beeps. Remove the batteries and replace with a fresh set.

The mounting plate is placing tension on the torque blade.

See the answer in the "Troubleshooting: Door Jamming and Door Handing" section.

The clutch is disengaged.

See the answer in the "Troubleshooting: Door Jamming and Door Handing" section.

Troubleshooting: Battery

The batteries drain within one day.

The lock must be replaced. Contact Technical Support.

The batteries drain within one week.

Keypad error.

See "Keypad error test".

Battery FAQ

How long will the lock operate on a set of batteries?

Based on 10 operations per day, a single, new set of Alkaline batteries will operate the lock for over a year.

What type of batteries do you recommend?

For best results, use new non-rechargeable Alkaline batteries only.

I am planning to be away for several months. Will my lock operate when I get back?

When the system is idling, it consumes minimum power (very close to battery shelf life.) With alkaline batteries, the lock should be operable after years of idle.

I replaced my batteries less than a year ago and need to replace them again.

Check your door alignment. If the deadbolt makes several unsuccessful attempts to lock or unlock the door, it may mean that the door is warped and the latch does not line up correctly with the strike. Operating the lock excessively reduces battery life. Avoid turning on the keypad light unnecessarily.

What settings should I use to get the maximum battery life out of my lock?

Set switches #1, #2, and #3 to the OFF position.

Technical Support

©2015 Spectrum Brands, Inc.

Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (46)


SmartCode 913 - Installation Video

Kwikset SmartCode 913-914: Programming Video With a Mastercode

Documents / Resources


Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide

Kwikset Smartcode 913 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt Programming and Troubleshooting Guide (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.