Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009) Meme

1. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009) - Flicker Alley

  • One of the great, unfinished works in film history, Inferno, by Henri-Georges Clouzot was an audaciously experimental film with a virtually unlimited budget.

  • One of the great, unfinished works in film history, Inferno , by Henri-Georges Clouzot was an audaciously experimental film with a virtually unlimited budget that was stopped only three weeks into production. Working closely with Clouzot's widow, Inès, Serge Bromberg and Ruxandra Medrea reconstruct Clouzot's original vision, filling and explaining the gaps with new interviews, re-enactments and Clouzot's own notes and storyboards, delivering an in-depth look at the masterpiece that might have been. In 1964, director Henri-Georges Clouzot ( Diabolique , The Raven, The Wages of Fear, The Picasso Mystery ) chose Romy Schneider, age 26, and Serge Reggiani, 42, to star in L'enfer (Inferno) , an enigmatic and original project with an unlimited budget. Reggiani was to play Marcel Prieur, the manager of a modest hotel in provincial France who becomes possessed by the demons of jealousy. Intended to be a cinematic "event" upon its release, three weeks after shooting began on Inferno , things took a turn for the worse. The project was stopped, and the images, which were said to be "incredible", would remain unseen... Until now. Working closely with Clouzot's widow, Inès, Serge Bromberg reconstructs Clouzot's original vision. Midway between documentary and narrative, Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno unveils, for the first time in nearly half a century, these luminous visions. It delivers an in-depth look at the masterpiece that might have been and explores the unnerving parallels between...

2. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009) - MUBI

  • By a cinematic twist of fate, a famous film archivist got stuck in an elevator with the widow of the acclaimed French director Henri-Georges Clouzot. They began ...

  • In 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot’s production of L’Enfer starring Romy Schneider came to a halt. The footage, forgotten for over fifty years, were found, and film archivist Serge Bromberg uncovered a treasure trove of breathtaking imagery, telling us of what would have been a unique film.

3. Endless Visions: Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno - Virginie Sélavy

  • 11 mei 2011 · The story of this disastrous production is told in Serge Bromberg's documentary Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009), made after a chance ...

  • The history of cinema is littered with unfinished grand projects by megalomaniac directors including Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick and Erich von Stroheim. That Henri-Georges Clouzot should be added…

4. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno | Rotten Tomatoes

5. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno | ozu-teapot - Tumblr

  • Inferno (L'Enfer) is a 1964 film by Henri-Georges Clouzot which was left unfinished mainly due to the ill health of it's male lead Serge Reggiani and ...

  • Posts tagged with #Henri-Georges Clouzot‘s Inferno

6. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009, France)....

  • 28 apr 2021 · Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009, France). Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot.

  • Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009, France). Director:  Henri-Georges Clouzot

7. Henri Georges Clouzot's Inferno (L'enfer d'Henri-Georges Clouzot)

  • (France, 2009). • A film written and directed using rushes from Henri-Georges Clouzot's INFERNO. Director: Serge Bromberg & Ruxandra Medrea Annonier Screenplay: ...


8. Making "The Inferno Unseen" on Notebook | MUBI

  • 27 sep 2018 · How one of the most tantalizing unfinished film projects became a live showcase of the studio tests for Henri-Georges Clouzot's "Inferno".

  • How one of the most tantalizing unfinished film projects became a live showcase of the studio tests for Henri-Georges Clouzot’s "Inferno".


  • 8 sep 2016 · Day 8: L'ENFER D'HENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT (Serge Bromberg & Ruxandra Medrea, France, 2009) A documentary resurrecting an abandoned film project ...

  • Day 8: L’ENFER D’HENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT (Serge Bromberg & Ruxandra Medrea, France, 2009) A documentary resurrecting an abandoned film project by Henri-Georges Clouzot, originally env…

10. L'Enfer de Henri-Georges Clouzot - notcoming.com

  • 21 sep 2009 · Inferno / Henri-George Clouzot's Inferno. Serge Bromberg & Ruxandra Medrea. France, 2009. Credits. Review by Mike D’Angelo. Posted on 21 ...

  • 'Not Coming to a Theater Near You' is a film review website that assumes a bias towards older, often unpopular, and sometimes unknown films that merit a second look.

11. Original title: L' ENFER D'HENRI-GEORGE CLOUZOT ...


  • Stock image 4409-18575708: ROMY SCHNEIDER in HENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT'S INFERNO (2009) -Original title: L' ENFER D'HENRI-GEORGE CLOUZOT-, directed by SERGE BROMBERG.

12. [PDF] ABC Distribution Kaasstraat 4 2000 Antwerpen t. 03 - Cinemien

  • INFERNO van Serge Bromberg is een documentaire over het maken van de film L'ENFER van. Henri-Georges Clouzot. Zijn onvoltooide film met Romy Schneider uit ...

13. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno | Vancouver International Film Festival

  • Henri-Georges Clouzot was “the French Hitchcock”. His thrillers Les Diaboliques and The Wages of Fear had been massive hits all over the world.

  • This extraordinary documentary -- saturated in sex, chroma, and madness -- tells the story of the movie that broke Henri-Georges Clouzot, "the French Hitchcock." It includes some of the most eye-bending colour effects ever put on film.

14. Henri-Georges Clouzot's INFERNO - Trailers From Hell

  • 20 feb 2018 · Inferno (L'enfer d'Henri-Georges Clouzot) Blu-ray. Arrow Academy 2009 / Color & B&W / 1:78 widescreen / 100 min. / L'enfer d'Henri-Georges ...

  • A cinematic puzzle and a filmic detective piece, Serge Bromberg’s examination of a world-class filmmaker’s catastrophic, never-finished production fascinates and dazzles. If the particulars of H.G. Clouzot’s experimental epic of internal torment remain clouded, the astonishing visuals he created are a total knockout. Working with hours of uncut dailies and precise collaborator memories, Bromberg gives...

15. Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno, 2009 - Strictly Film School

  • 25 dec 2017 · A reconstruction of Henri-Georges Clouzot's aborted film project, Inferno assembled from found (or more accurately, negotiated) footage, interviews with film ...

  • December 25, 2017 (December 27, 2017) acquarello

Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno (2009) Meme
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.