DC2025 | ESM Student Dashboard (2024)

Table of Contents
Session 1: Introduction & Overview of Inner Healing Session 2: Kingdom Principles of Inner Healing & Freedom Homework Session 1: The Big Picture: Fruits To Roots Session 2: Team Roles in Ministry Homework Session 1: Know Your Authority (Part 1) Session 2: Know Your Authority (Part 2) Homework Session 1: Tool Healing of Relationships with Holy Trinity & Family Session 2: Ministering To Wounded Memories Homework Session 1: Closing Doors to the Enemy Session 2: Understanding & Responding to Demonic Manifestations Homework Session 1: Tools: Breaking Soul Ties & Breaking Walls Session 2: Closing Prayer & Outcome Homework Inner Healing Practicum Session 1: Walking Out Your Freedom And Healing Session 2: Joy Party & Testimonies Session 1: Intro & Overview of Power and Healing Session 2: Impartation Prayer for Healing Session 1: Theology of Healing (Part 1) Session 2: Five Step Prayer Model Homework Session 1: Theology of Healing Part 2 Session 2: Five-Step Prayer Model for Healing Review And Prayer Activation Homework Session 1: The Role of Faith & Power of Testimony Session 2: Words of Knowledge for Healing Homework Session 1: Understanding Redemptive Suffering & Overcoming Discouragement Session 2: The Power of Peace Homework Session 1: Growing in Maturity (Part 1) Session 2: Growing in Maturity (Part 2) Homework Healing Practicum Homework Session 1: Intro and Overview Session 2: The Language of the Spirit Homework Session 1: Discerning God’s Voice Session 2: Faith and Foundations of Prophecy Homework Session 1: Purpose and Function of Prophecy Session 2: Understanding Impartation Homework Session 1: Prophetic Principles Session 2: Prophetic Activation (Part 1) Homework Session 1: Prophetic Activations (Part 2) Session 2: Words of Knowledge (Part 1) Homework Session 1: Words of Knowledge (Part 2) Session 2: Prophetic Teams Homework Session 1: Increased Risk Talking Session 2: Prophetic Refinement Homework Session 1: Prophetic Processing Session 2: Stewarding your Gift Homework Session 1: Identity and Transformation Session 2: Sheep Hear My Voice Homework Session 1: Jesus—Our Standard of Ministry Session 2: Understanding The Purpose of Power Homework Session 1: Identity & Authority As Kings Session 2: Ministering From Authority Homework Session 1: Identity As Temples of the Holy Spirit Session 2: Ministering As Temples of the Holy Spirit Homework Session 1: Renewal of the Mind Session 2: Students of the Supernatural Homework Session 1: The Three Leavens Session 2: Dead to Sin Homework Session 1: Transformation Through Declarations Session 2: The Will of God Homework Session 1: Baptism of the Holy Spirit Session 2: Prayer for Baptism in the Holy Spirit Homework
  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
  • Class 7
  • Class 8

Session 1: Introduction & Overview of Inner Healing

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C1.S1 – Intro and Overview
  • Slides – Q4.C1.S1 – Intro and Overview

Session 2: Kingdom Principles of Inner Healing & Freedom

Student Materials


In prayer this week, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the strongholds present in your life that He wants to partner with you to overcome during this quarter. Don’t be surprised if he starts showing you foundational wounds, where they formed, and the lies you started to believe. Write a reflection of what you received to share with your group.

Supplemental Reading: Be Healed & Deliverance Ministry (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: The Big Picture: Fruits To Roots

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C2.S1 – The Big Picture Fruits To Roots
  • Slides – Q4.C2.S1 – The Big Picture Fruits To Roots

Session 2: Team Roles in Ministry

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C2.S2 – Team Role in Ministry
  • Slides – Q4. C2. S2. – Team Role in Ministry


In relation to the content in session 1, ask the Holy Spirit: Is there any bad fruit in my life that you want to address this quarter? Write down any revelation the Holy Spirit shows you. Then ask the Holy Spirit: “What good fruit do you have for me in exchange this quarter?” Write down what you receive here in your journal. Prepare to share what you received in your discussion groups.

Supplemental Reading: Be Healed, and Deliverance Handbook, (Please see syllabus for reading schedule)

Session 1: Know Your Authority (Part 1)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C3.S1 – Know Your Authority Part I
  • Slides Q4.C3_Deliverance Ministry – Encounter

Session 2: Know Your Authority (Part 2)

Student Materials

  • Q4.C3.S2 – Know Your Authority Pt. II
  • Slides: the slides above are for both parts of this class.


Based on Dr. Healy’s presentations from class, write a one-page paper that would demonstrate how you would respond to someone in the church who argues that lay people have little or no business being involved in deliverance ministry. Your response should include what you consider the most three compelling points on this topic.

Suggested Reading: Please see your syllabi for the suggested reading calendar

Session 1: Tool Healing of Relationships with Holy Trinity & Family

Student Materials

Session 2: Ministering To Wounded Memories

Student Materials

  • Q4.C4.S2 – Ministering To Wounded Memories


Option 1: Using this tool, use the prompt option to go through these steps with a close friend or family member and lead them through the healing of a wounded memory. Write a short journal entry detailing the fruit.

Option 2: Using this tool in personal prayer, ask Jesus to heal a wounded memory. Incorporate two-way journaling through the process where you write questions to Jesus and write the answers you receive in your spirit. Bring your journal entry to discuss in class.

Supplemental Reading: Be Healed, & Deliverance Ministry

Session 1: Closing Doors to the Enemy

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C5.S1 – Tool Closing Doors to the Enemy
  • Slides – Q4.C5.S1 – Closing Doors to the Enemy

Session 2: Understanding & Responding to Demonic Manifestations

Student Materials


Option 1: Using the closing doors to the enemy tool, go through these steps with a close friend or family member and lead them through the closing doors of anger, fear, sexual sin and the occult. Write a short journal entry detailing the fruit.

Option 2: Using this tool in personal prayer, ask Jesus to close the doors to the enemy. Incorporate two-way journaling through the process where you write questions to Jesus and write the answers you receive in your spirit. Bring your journal entry to discuss in class.

Session 1: Tools: Breaking Soul Ties & Breaking Walls

Student Materials

Session 2: Closing Prayer & Outcome

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C6 – Encounter Ministries Inner Healing and Freedom Guide (UPDATED)


Option 1: Using these tools, go through these steps with a close friend or family member and lead them through the breaking soul ties and breaking walls. Write a short journal entry detailing the fruit.

Option 2: Using these tools in personal prayer, ask Jesus to reveal and break soul ties and walls. Incorporate two-way journaling through the process where you write questions to Jesus and write the answers you receive in your spirit. Bring your journal entry to discuss in class.

Inner Healing Practicum

This session was dedicated to praying for others for inner healing. Below is the brief introduction of the event to help those guests who came to know what to expect and how to participate.

Congratulations to all Year 1 students! You put yourself out there for the Lord to mold and to work through. You are such a wonderful witness of those after God’s own heart. Rejoice and be glad!

Session 1: Walking Out Your Freedom And Healing

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q4.C8.S1 – Walking Out Your Freedom And Healing
  • Slides – Q4.C8.S1 – Walking Out Your Freedom And Healing

Session 2: Joy Party & Testimonies

  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
  • Class 7

Session 1: Intro & Overview of Power and Healing

Student Materials

Session 2: Impartation Prayer for Healing

Student Materials

  • There was no student handout for this session

Session 1: Theology of Healing (Part 1)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q3.C2.S1 – Biblical Basis for Healing Ministry
  • Slides – Theology of Healing – Encounter fall 2020 (Dr. Mary Healy)

Session 2: Five Step Prayer Model

Student Materials

  • DC_Student Handout – Q3.C2.S2 – Prayer Model for Healing
  • DC_Slides – Q3.C2.S2 – Five Step Prayer Model


Prayerfully read selected Gospel and book of Acts healing stories and ask Holy Spirit to give you personal teaching about healing ministry. Write a reflection in your journal to share with your small group on what you learned from these scriptures. Each of the entries includes a description, location and passage reference.

  • Peter heals a lame man/Jerusalem / Acts 3:1-11
  • Apostles perform many wonders/ Jerusalem / Acts 5:12-16
  • Peter heals Eneas/ Lydda/ Acts 9:33, 34
  • Peter raises the dead / Joppa / Acts 9:36-41
  • Paul converted and healed/ Road to Damascus / Acts 9:1-9
  • Paul heals a cripple Lystra / Acts 14:8-10
  • Paul casts out a spirit of divination / Philippi / Acts 16:16-18
  • Paul restores Eutychus to life/ Troas / Acts 20:9-12
  • Paul heals multitudes/ Corinth / Acts 19:9- 12
  • Paul shakes off a viper and heals leader and multitudes/ Malta / Acts 28:3-6

Supplemental Reading: Healing by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: Theology of Healing Part 2

Student Materials

  • DC_Student Handout – Q3.C3.S1 – Theology of Healing

Session 2: Five-Step Prayer Model for Healing Review And Prayer Activation

Student Materials

  • There was no handout
  • DC_Slides _Q3.C3.S2 – 5 Step Prayer Model Review and Activation


Continuation from last week. Prayerfully read selected Gospel and book of Acts healing stories and ask Holy Spirit to give you personal teaching about healing ministry. Write a reflection in your journal to share with your small group on what you learned from these scriptures. Each of the entries includes a description, location and passage reference.

  • Peter heals a lame man/Jerusalem / Acts 3:1-11
  • Apostles perform many wonders/ Jerusalem / Acts 5:12-16
  • Peter heals Eneas/ Lydda/ Acts 9:33, 34
  • Peter raises the dead / Joppa / Acts 9:36-41
  • Paul converted and healed/ Road to Damascus / Acts 9:1-9
  • Paul heals a cripple Lystra / Acts 14:8-10
  • Paul casts out a spirit of divination / Philippi / Acts 16:16-18
  • Paul restores Eutychus to life/ Troas / Acts 20:9-12
  • Paul heals multitudes/ Corinth / Acts 19:9- 12
  • Paul shakes off a viper and heals leader and multitudes/ Malta / Acts 28:3-6

Supplemental Reading: Healing by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: The Role of Faith & Power of Testimony

Student Materials

Session 2: Words of Knowledge for Healing

Student Materials


Option 1: In personal prayer, ask God to give you a word of knowledge for a condition he wants to heal for a friend in your life. Dismiss any conditions you have prior knowledge of. Contact them to check it out and minister.

Option 2: Go after words of knowledge for healing where you have connections with strangers in public (waitresses, hairdressers, etc) and check them out and minister.

Supplemental Reading: Healing by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: Understanding Redemptive Suffering & Overcoming Discouragement

Student Materials

  • Slides – Q3.C5.S1 – Understanding Redemptive Suffering and Overcoming Discouragement (Updated 10_21)

Session 2: The Power of Peace

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q3.C5.S2 – The Power of Peace
  • Slides – Q2.C6.S2 – The Power of Peace (Updated 10_21)


Praying with Philippians 4.

  • Spend 2-3 minutes telling God my problems in a spirit of thanksgiving.
  • Spend 7-8 minutes in silence listening and receiving peace.

Write down and describe the peace and joy you received from the Lord in your journal.

Supplemental Reading: Healing by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: Growing in Maturity (Part 1)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q3.C6.S1 – Growing In Maturity I
  • Slides – Q3.C6.S1 – Growing In Maturity I

Session 2: Growing in Maturity (Part 2)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q3.C6.S2 – Growing In Maturity Part II
  • Slides – Q3.C6.S2 – Growing In Maturity II


Journal: When healing ministry is not common, it’s easy for the enemy to create stumbling blocks of confusion. For homework, take a moment and ask Jesus to highlight one of the “Growing In Maturity” topics that we covered in session 1 or session 2 for you to reflect on. Write a half-page to one page journal entry that summarizes the area of growth in your own words. Be sure to note why it’s important for students of Jesus to grow in this area as they seek to faithfully respond to the Spirit.

Suggested Reading: Healing – Bringing God’s Mercy to the World, Chp 11-12 (see syllabus for suggested reading schedule)

Healing Practicum

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q3.C7.S1 – Prayer Model for Healing (2024)

The night was dedicated to prayer ministry for physical healing. Many were blessed, felt loved, and were grateful to have been invited. Below are three testimonies from people who were willing to share on video. God bless all of you for stepping out in faith and love to allow God to touch those you ministered to!


If you participated in the practicum, write a one page summary of your experience. Consider testimonies, areas of challenge, questions, and personal insight and breakthroughs. Capturing this will help in the ongoing renewal of the mind we need as we move through the ebbs and flows of the spiritual life. Share this with your small group.

Supplemental Reading: Healing by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
  • Class 7
  • Class 8

Session 1: Intro and Overview

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C1.S1 – Intro and Overview
  • Slides – Q2.C1.S1 – Identity and Overview

Session 2: The Language of the Spirit

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C1.S2 – The Language of the Spirit
  • Slides – Q2.C1.S2 – The Language of the Spirit


Find time with Jesus and sit with two chairs. Invite Him to speak to you about His heart for you for this quarter and His thoughts about your prayer life. Ask Him about His desire for more intimacy with you. Journal what you sense from the Lord and what your response is.

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook (see syllabus for suggested reading schedule)

Session 1: Discerning God’s Voice

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C2.S1 – Discerning God’s Voice
  • Slides – Q2.C2.S1 – Discerning God’s Voice (CR Update)

Session 2: Faith and Foundations of Prophecy

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C2.S2 – Faith and Prophetic Foundations
  • Slides – Q2.C2.S2 – Faith and Foundations of Prophecy


Using the “Four Steps To Hearing God’s Voice” on the session 1 student handout, pray for 3 days this week and listen for the voice of the Lord. Journal your responses and track your fruit.

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook by Dr. Mary Healy & Dr. Randy Clark – See syllabus for the suggested reading schedule

Session 1: Purpose and Function of Prophecy

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C3.S1 – Purpose and Function of Prophecy
  • Slides – Q2.C3.S1 – Purpose and Function of Prophecy (CR Update)

Session 2: Understanding Impartation

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C3.S2 – Understanding Impartation
  • Slides – Q2.C3.S2 – Understanding Impartation (Updated 10_21)


God has hidden his glory and plans inside of everyone. Ask Jesus to show you one person who needs a revelation of the “gold” that he has put inside of them. Once he shows you the person, ask Jesus to show you that glory that he has hidden in their life and how he sees them. Whatever you receive, simply write it down. If possible, send it to them in a message and bless them. We will recap the results next week.

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook by Dr. Mary Healy (see syllabus for suggested reading schedule)

Session 1: Prophetic Principles

Student Materials

  • Student Handouts – Q2.C4.S1 – Prophetic Principles
  • Slides – Q2.C4.S1 – Prophetic Principles

Session 2: Prophetic Activation (Part 1)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C4.S2 – Prophetic Activations Pt. 1
  • Slides – Q2.C4.S2 – Prophetic Activations


Choose one prophetic method. Randomly pick a friend in your phone or contacts. Use your prophetic process, call or email them up and share the word with them to encourage them. Seek feedback. Make it normal and upbuilding!

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook (see syllabi for suggested reading schedule)

Session 1: Prophetic Activations (Part 2)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C5.S1 – Prophetic Activations Pt. 2
  • Slides – Q2.C5.S1 – Prophetic Activations Pt. 2

Session 2: Words of Knowledge (Part 1)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C5.S2 – Words of Knowledge Pt. 1
  • Slides – Q2.C5.S2 – Words of Knowledge Pt. 1


Go after words of knowledge this week with people that you come into contact with (waitress, barber, cashier, stranger, etc) and go through your prophetic process in regard to words of knowledge. The goal is to get measurable data on how well you’re hearing God’s voice for words of knowledge and growing in your faith to hear without taking too big of risks. This will also help us connect and invest in people!

Direction: Ask God to give you three details about family, education/work background, or dreams. Once you have them, ask open questions to confirm like:

  • Tell me about your family. Are you married, have any kids?
  • What did you study in college? What jobs have you done before this?
  • What dreams or desires do you have for your life?

If your revelation is accurate, take the opportunity to prophesy into their life (without being weird) and bless them.

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook by Dr. Mary Healy & Dr. Randy Clark (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: Words of Knowledge (Part 2)

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C6.S1 – Words of Knowledge Part II
  • Slides – Q2.C6.S1 – Words of Knowledge Pt. 2 (CR Updated)

Session 2: Prophetic Teams

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C6.S2 – Prophetic Teams
  • Slides – Q2.C6.S2 – Prophetic Teams


From what you’ve learned in the words of knowledge sessions, take a further step this week and step out in faith to minister to someone through words of knowledge. Be prudent in your delivery as you’ve been taught and expect that God wants to minister through you. Write a journal entry of what you learn.

Confirm your prophetic team that you will be on for the Encounter Evening of Prophetic Ministry.

Invite a friend to the prophetic rooms!

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook by Dr. Mary Healy & Dr. Randy Clark (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

Session 1: Increased Risk Talking

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C7.S1 – Increased Risk Talking
  • Slides – Q2.C7.S1 – Increased Risk Taking (CR…Pending)

Session 2: Prophetic Refinement

Student Materials


God’s wisdom is evident throughout scripture. Looking at the life of heroes in the Bible, it is clear that God provides coaching to those that seek him. Spend time this week and ask God to reveal new wisdom from Scripture for you or for someone in your life who has a heart for God but is unsure what their next step is. Journal your experience of how you came to know God’s presence on the passage, what the passage itself was, who you shared it with, and how it was received.

Read: Spiritual Gifts Handbook (see syllabus for suggested reading schedule)

Session 1: Prophetic Processing

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C8.S1 – Prophetic Processing
  • Slides – Q2.C8.S1 – Prophetic Processing (CR Updated)

Session 2: Stewarding your Gift

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q2.C8.S2 – Stewarding your Gift
  • Slides – Q2.C8.S2 – Stewarding your gift (CR Updated)


Spiritual Gifts Handbook by Dr. Mary Healy & Dr. Randy Clark (see syllabus for suggested weekly reading)

  • Orientation
  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
  • Class 7
  • Class 8

The orientation was an overview of what to expect during the first year of the Encounter School. Included was an overview of the dashboard (the video walk-through is in the video below). At the top of the dashboard, you will find some key areas including your account info, tuition portal, suggested reading, the syllabus for each quarter, information about the Encounter Conference, and more. You will hear more about the subjects in greater detail as the year progresses.

Session 1: Identity and Transformation

Student Materials

  • Q1.C1.S1 Student Handout
  • Q1.C1.S1 Slides

Session 2: Sheep Hear My Voice

Student Materials

  • Q1.C1.S2 Student Handout
  • Q1.C1.S2 Slides


Supplemental Reading: See Syllabus for Supplemental Reading

Practicum: In prayer, select a specific question or decision in your life that is important to you. In a very direct manner, ask Jesus what his heart is about the decision or question. Journal what you receive in prayer and then summarize the following: What did you receive? How did you receive it? What did you learn about how you hear God’s voice?

Session 1: Jesus—Our Standard of Ministry

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C2.S1 – Our Standard of Ministry
  • Slides – Q1.C2.S1 – Jesus Our Standard of Ministry

Session 2: Understanding The Purpose of Power

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C2.S2 – Understanding The Purpose of Power
  • Supplemental Handout – Q1.C2.S2 – Gospel Examples of the Role of Power Leading People to Glorify God
  • Slides – Q1.C2.S2 – Understanding the Purpose of Power (Updated 8_21) (1)


Read: Study the Gospel of Mark and identify every occasion of power demonstrated – healing in both large crowds and individuals, deliverance from evil spirits, miracles, prophetic revelation, etc. How many instances do you find?

Journal: Write a one page paper about how you would respond to someone who is confused about the importance of the Church’s responsibility to demonstrate God’s power in the world.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for suggested reading from Supernatural Saints

Session 1: Identity & Authority As Kings

Student Materials

Session 2: Ministering From Authority

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C3.S2 – Ministering From Authority
  • Slides – Q1.C3.S2 – Ministering from Authority (Updated 8_21)


In prayer, ask the Lord to reveal what strongholds of the mind are keeping you from walking in the authority He’s given you. Ask the Lord to show you the truth He wants you to know in exchange for the lies. In a short paper outline the truths that Jesus gave you.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for suggested reading from Supernatural Saints

Session 1: Identity As Temples of the Holy Spirit

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C4.S1 – Identity as a Temple of the Holy Spirit
  • Slides – Q1. C4. S1 Identity As Temples of the Holy Spirit (Updated 8_21)

Session 2: Ministering As Temples of the Holy Spirit

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C4.S2 – Ministering As Temples of the Holy Spirit
  • DC_Slides – Q1.C4.S2 Ministering as Temples of the Holy Spirit (Updated 8_21)_BetsyRoeder


Goal: Continue ministering from a posture of heaven to earth.

Ask God to show you someone in your family (or close friend) who needs an increase of His presence in their life. Based on what you learned from class, ask them if there are any areas of life they need God’s help.

Practicum: Offer to pray that God would release his presence through you for them.

Journal a short half-page reflection of what happened and what you learned. Be prepared to share it at the start of the next class.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for suggested reading for Supernatural Saints

Session 1: Renewal of the Mind

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C5.S1 – Renewal of the Mind
  • DC_Slides_Q1.C5.S1_Renewal of the Mind_MarkG

Session 2: Students of the Supernatural

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C5.S2 – Students of the Supernatural
  • Slides – Q1.C5.S2 – Students of the Supernatural (Updated 8_21)


Read through the 8 miracle signs in the Gospel of John. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the lessons you can learn about supernatural ministry through the ministry of Jesus.

Jn 2:1-11; Jn 4:46-54; Jn 5:1-17; Jn 6:1-14; Jn 6:15-21; Jn 9:1-12; Jn 11:1-45; Jn 21:1-11

Write a minimum one page paper capturing your insights.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for readings from Supernatural Saints

Session 1: The Three Leavens

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C6.S1 – Three Leavens
  • Supplemental Handout – Q1.C6.S1 – Activation Overcoming the Leaven of the Pharisees
  • Slides – Q1.C6.S1 – Three Leavens (Updated 8_21)

Session 2: Dead to Sin

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C6.S2 – Renewal of the Mind – Dead to Sin – Fr. Mathias
  • Slides – Q1.C6.S2 – Renewal of the Mind – Dead to Sin (Updated 10_21)-Fr Mathias


Journal: Before you start reading, ask God to show you where you need to be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Now read through Romans 6-8. Journal insights and details that God showed you from your reflection on these chapters.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for reading plan for Supernatural Saints

Session 1: Transformation Through Declarations

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C7.S1 – Transformation Through Declarations
  • Supplemental Handout 1 – Q1.C7.S1 – Psalm 91 Declarations Handout
  • Supplemental Handout 2 – Q1.C1.S1 – Scriptural Declarations Activation
  • Slides – Q1.C7.S1 – Transformation Through Declarations (Updated 8_21)

Session 2: The Will of God

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C7.S2 – The Will of God
  • Slides – Q1.C7.S2 – The Will of God (Updated 8_21)


Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire in you 10 declarations that you need to confirm your identity and direct your life in this season. Remember, scriptural promises are a great place to let God speak to you about this, but they are not the only place.

Write them as a list that you can refer to in prayer. Bring the list with you to class and be ready to share them with your small group.

Suggested Reading: See syllabus for readling plan for Supernatural Saints

Session 1: Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Student Materials

  • Student Handout – Q1.C8.S1 – The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • Slides – Q1.C8.S1 – The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Session 2: Prayer for Baptism in the Holy Spirit

There was not an additional talk for Session 2. This period was devoted to praying for students to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (a greater release of the Holy Spirit). If you were unable to attend and receive prayer, please ask the leaders to pray with you.


Journal: As you pray and talk with the Lord after your session on Baptism in the Holy Spirit, write a reflection on what you experienced or learned about the Holy Spirit. What did you receive from ministry time and how did you receive it? Or how did you and the Lord process Q1 together. What does the Lord’s blessing in your life look like right now?

Supplemental Reading: Suggested Reading: See syllabus for readling plan for Supernatural Saints

DC2025 | ESM Student Dashboard (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5405

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.